Welcome to my 20 week pregnancy update, I’ve got my baby daddy!

My husband Adam is here with me today, I decided it would be fun, since we are not finding out the gender to do the old wives tales gender predictions together.

Ok we’re going to see if the old wives tales say boy or girl. I still have a feeling it’s a boy. That’s what my gut has said, every pregnancy update. I feel like it’s a boy. The only thing that makes me think girl is the dream I had where my dad is with me and said it was a girl.


00:01:24,000 –> 00:01:26,300

We’ll see what the old wives Tales say!

The first one I already had to do before we started it was the Chinese gender calendar and that said girl which I believe it it like took like the month of conception and my age and that’s how it did it. That said girl.

Cravings? Sweet or salty? Salty. I feel like this entire pregnancy has been salty.

Baby’s heartbeat under or over 140. It was 161.

Daddy’s weight? You can answer that one! Not a close call, gaining, quickly. I gain the most sympathy weight! I’ve been so sympathetic.

Moodiness? Moody or happy? Moody! 

Morning sickness. Yes or no? I only threw up the one time when I ate that ice cream, I guess yes?

Skin, soft or dry. Soft, my skin has felt extra oily.

Headaches? No.

Carrying high or low? I think that’s higher.

Balance, clumsy or graceful? Clumsy. 

Belly growth? Wider or rounder? Wider like this whole pregnancy I even had to start ordering different size like shorts because I feel like everything is widening.

Sleeping on the right or the left. I switch. I feel like I sleep on my left side more than I do my right side or thats the side I would lay down on first?

What do the wivestales tell us!

They tell us at a count of 9 to 2.


I’m grateful just that we’re having another baby, but I would be shocked if this is a girl.

We do have a name for either way! We decided on a unisex name. Which we aren’t revealing in this video. We’ll probably reveal that when the baby is born.

Love you guys, and see in next weeks pregnancy update!

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Hi, Loves! I'm Brianna!

enjoying bits of life as a mama + homemaker 🏡💕
easy + extra recipes, decor + cleaning motivation! 💁🏼‍♀️✨



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