Hey loves, this is my 24 week pregnancy update. I’m at 24 weeks and 6 days when I’m filming this so I think you’ll see this my next week 25 weeks but that’s what happens with baby number three and we went camping earlier this week.

So I’m just playing catch up on everything. I’ve had so much work life home stuff that I’ve been trying to catch up on at the end of this week because of our camping trip, but Lord that was so needed.

We hiked two of the days we were there. The one day, we actually got one of lost on this Trail where it was supposed to take us to waterfalls and we hiked five miles without seeing any waterfalls, saw a really pretty lake though. It was still nice to get out in the fresh air out in the trees and just be in nature but the next day we found the right trails and we saw two waterfalls and they were absolutely gorgeous and the kids were just so happy and so excited, it had been a long time.

I feel like I have been sharing with you guys just mental health wise this has been such a struggle and I know some of you have shared the same thing that you’re really struggling. So maybe that is an option for you before summer and the weather changes.

Total weight gain, last time I weighed myself I gained 18 lb, I didn’t weigh myself today. I just got a new scale, so in my next weeks update I’ll give you a proper weight gain update.

My cravings have definitely gone a bit to the sweeter side. I want more bakery. I’m so excited about fall baking and I pretty much eat chocolate every single day. I will crave chocolate and it is one of the ways that I’ll try to reward myself for when I do have to get up and move around. I feel like I’m so out of breath too, definitely baby is up in my lungs.

How am I sleeping? I really missed my pregnancy pillow when we were camping. I didn’t take it with me. Cuz Adam was like it’s just going to take up too much room in the car just use extra pillows when we’re there.

Movement? Baby moves like crazy, especially when I do lie down. I feel like I can always feel baby start moving as soon as I get still very active little one in there and still a bit painful, not as painful as it was.

I don’t know if maybe I was just having like growing pains from everything moving around down there and stretching but I will have just like something painful. I don’t know. It’s like I don’t know what it is doing flips or what, just laying on something funny. I did notice when I was going for my walks besides the days when we were hiking I do try to take an hour walk around for my exercise and to get outside get fresh air. And I did notice I was like in this one cul-de-sac and I was like oh gosh, the nerve pain like kind of like down my butt and then down my leg was really reallybad and then luckily baby must have moved because then it stopped like after I finish that cul-de-sac, so that hurt really bad, pregnancy!

As far as symptoms other than those things I feel like I am hungrier, like I want to eat\ and snack a lot more than past weeks. So I probably should update you or what my weight is cuz it wouldn’t

surprise me if it’s gone up a little bit more but hopefully all the hiking and walking are still helping and I do feel like I’m just thirsty all the time. I have been taking my iron pill religiously every single day and that just helps me so much do I think for those of you who also said like either you heard to be taking an iron pill or that maybe that’s why I was feeling just so low energy when you’re supposed to have that  second trimester burst of energy that really really changed things for me.

What are you looking forward to? Decorating the nursery! I feel like that’s the next really big project. It’s going to be a gender-neutral nursery, but for the crib that I ordered I think it will look nicer if the bottom is painted a different color. So that’s on the to-do list and then the carpet in here, not the rug but the actual carpet I want to tear that out and lay like I think it’s vinyl, but if it looks like wood, I want to lay that in here, so I’m really excited to do that.

Thank you so much for watching this 24 weeks update. Be sure to let me know how you’re doing and how your pregnancy is going.I know some of you are pretty close to having your little ones. So if you had your baby, let us know baby’s name how you’re doing and give us an update. I love this community so much and know that I’m praying for you that you say say that you stay safe, stay healthy and that you and your little ones are doing amazing.

Bye loves!


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Hi, Loves! I'm Brianna!

enjoying bits of life as a mama + homemaker 🏡💕
easy + extra recipes, decor + cleaning motivation! 💁🏼‍♀️✨



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