Hey loves! This is my 19 week pregnancy, I’ve done an update almost every week, except I skipped two in June it was like a really hard month for me, and I’m so excited to be in July and feeling like it’s just stay positive.

But I will say I’m 19 weeks and 3 days as I’m filming this and I looked back at my daughter’s pregnancy updates and I would say at 20 week. I did not show as much as I’m showing right now, so I guess your third baby. Maybe your body is just like hey, we know what we’re doing. We’re going to be popping this time, so I will just enjoy the rest of these 21 weeks. But 

I’m sitting here in bed cuz honestly I am just so tired. It’s not that I feel like I have nausea but I think I’m just in like this mental health funk quite honestly wear because of June being like so full of so much. There is just so much stuff personally going on. That honestly it made me feel quite depressed and I think that on days where I do wake up and I don’t feel depressed and I’ve been trying really hard to combat it by my doctor’s advice is going on hour long walks every single day and I do think that that has helped cuz I had a really productive day yesterday. I was really really motivated.

Total weight gain, I’ve gained 15 pounds so far this pregnancy, which I did look at Presley’s and I think I’d only gained 13 pounds.

Maternity clothes. Yes! I don’t think I could fit into non-maternity pants whatsoever at this point and I am pretty much just wearing like maternity dresses cuz it’s been in the 80s almost every single day here with amazing. I love it. I think it is so much nicer being pregnant in the summer when you can just put on like one piece dress like this and be done instead of having to worry about like do I have pants that fit me?

How are you sleeping? I feel like some days I cannot get enough sleep and like all I want to do is be in bed and sleep as much as I can.

Best moments this week, technically I saw the baby at 18 weeks, that was the best there is nothing better than any time you get to see your little one and see how they’re doing in there and it was so cool.

So the gender is still a surprise for us and I still do think it’s a boy like my mama instincts tell me and think I will be in shock if in the delivery room at it actually a girl! 

Missing anything, traveling. I feel like after hearing my doctor’s news such as such a bummer that we can’t do any family vacation before baby comes or do any sort of a babymoon. That is just a huge bummer.

Movement? Yes! So it was cool cuz we got around a little bit but I definitely feel and not anything crazy strong.

Sometimes I’ll wake up a little bit before my alarm and I’ll feel the baby moving then probably cuz I’m like very still and then I also feel the baby when I’m still here at night here.

Food cravings. I think I mentioned chocolate still like bacon cheeseburgers. I definitely have had like salty Cravings to like I want nachos. I really wanted tostito chips and I wanted crunchy salads to that’s been another thing and thousand island dressing. That was a new thing this week. I got two salads with thousand island dressing. Like I needed the Thousand Island dressing.

Anything making you queasy or sick? I actually got some chicken for the first time. I feel like I’m getting over that aversion and I’m thankful that I can just have a little bit more of variety of cooking and eating.

As far as other symptoms, I feel like my skin has changed a little bit too. Like I just started getting some more like blotchy red on my chest and also on my face and I’m not sure if it is because I know they say like really try to avoid a lot of stuff done when you are pregnant because 

of how your skin changes so much anyways is all the hormone changes while youre pregnant but I have been enjoying going outside. Like I feel like it is the only thing that keeps me sane some days!

I’m like peeing all of the time I’m always really thirsty does feel like some days that I cannot get enough to drink. That’s another thing. I really wanted like a slushie, the other day I was like I’m getting one of those I would have never ordered that any other time but it was really good.

Belly button in or out, you saw that it is still in.

Happy or moody most of the time. Moody. I’m like mad. Not that I haven’t felt mad about anything, but I am just honestly like feeling depressed and trying to pull myself out of bed. I think. You know the anniversary of my dad passing and then Father’s Day happened at the end of that week. That was just a really hard week.

What are you looking forward to you? So I don’t know if it’ll actually happen but this morning just knowing that the only kind of got confirmation we will not be able to travel for a very long time.I did book a trip for next fall. So I mean it’s over a year away, but it will be potentially the first trip that we have is a family of five and it does just make me feel even more optimistic and excited about okay like we’re going to get through this.

Thanks so much for being here! Bye loves!

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Hi, Loves! I'm Brianna!

enjoying bits of life as a mama + homemaker 🏡💕
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