Hey loves! My name is Brianna. Welcome to my 17 week pregnancy update. I still just can’t even believe like the time is flying 17 weeks! Baby is the size of a pomegranate and 5 inches in length, which is just so crazy that in 17 weeks thats how big the baby belly is definitely growing.

I just weighed myself this morning. I am 138 lb that means I’ve gained 13 lb and honestly that makes me happy. I had gotten up to 13 pounds, I feel like this month has just been such a month, june can be over, 2020 can be over! 

Maternity clothes? I’ve been wearing non-maternity dresses and maternity dresses cuz just anything as long as it’s so loose and flowy sort of cut is working for me right now.

Stretch marks. I have not noticed any stretch marks yet.

How am I sleeping? I’ve been actually sleeping a lot. So I’ll try to go to bed around 10 at night and I set my alarm usually for 6, but there has been some days where I’m just like, nope. I’m not getting up I’m going to keep sleeping if I know that I can like not if there’s not work that I have to do first thing. So usually end up sleeping in till about 8 or 8:30, which means I’m getting about 10 hours of sleep on those nights and it still doesn’t feel like enough honestly. 

Movement? I feel the same as last week. I have felt just a little flattery pings. I haven’t felt like a true like BAM kick yet. So I’ll be excited for that. It’s like that’s my favorite part of being pregnant, the baby kicks, best feeling in the world So I can’t wait for a little babe to make some true like Bam Bam Bam i’m in here!

Food cravings! So I’ve still want bacon and cheese basically all of the time but I have been switching to slightly more Fresh Foods like the one day I wanted cucumbers really badly. I wanted watermelon so much! I get double orders of watermelon on every grocery order right now. I feel like it’s that stereotypical pregnancy craving. I’ve wanted popsicles. And then there’s this orange peach mango Dole juice. That is so good. I feel like I want that and peanut butter Banana sandwiches have been another craving of mine! 

Anything make you queasy or sick? So today was the first day I’ve actually cooked chicken and I swear it’s been like for 2 months. My smell is definitely hypersensitive right now, and I just can’t take smells like disgust me. 

Gender guess. I’m still guessing boy! Even though my husband he actually threw out a name for a boy is unisex names for a boy, but I love it for a girl. I love how it sounds with Rosalina! Were not 100% sure and I don’t even know if we will 100% say the name just because we’re not until the baby’s born.

As far as symptoms go, I felt extremely emotional again. I don’t know if that’s stress-related and I think the happy or moody question. Moody. Like I have been really upset. I think I have cried more this week than I have this entire pregnancy. I’ve been doing anything and everything I can to stay calm.

What are you looking forward the most to? Not be negative I’m dreading that Father’s Day is coming up. So I’m going to keep looking forward to fourth of July. And I mean we’re still going to try to make it a really nice day for Adam, but I just felt like it’s going to be very emotionally-charged for me and I’ll just keep looking forward to fourth of July and I’m going to try to look forward we had we don’t have anything planned but I am going to talk to my doctor just do the option of just travel an if anything could even be possible because I feel like if I could at least do something in lieu of a babymoon not even necessarily just me and Adam even though it would be nice for us probably to have a little getaway to but also do something like that summer vacation with the kids. I feel like that would just be really helpful for me to look forward to in travel is just one of my love languages so that would be nice!

I hope that you are staying safe and healthy with all of the craziness that’s going on right now and it just needs to know that we’re in this

together sending you love. Bye!

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Hi, Loves! I'm Brianna!

enjoying bits of life as a mama + homemaker 🏡💕
easy + extra recipes, decor + cleaning motivation! 💁🏼‍♀️✨



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