A little over a week ago, I posted a picture on my instagram for questions for a Q+A video on my YouTube Channel, Brianna K, and there were over 260 questions! I answered as many as I could in the video, but if your question wasn't in the video, it could be below. I made a huge list and am crediting whoever it was that asked the question first (there were a lot of people who asked similar questions, and the most repetitive ones were included in the Q+A video, so grab some wine and popcorn and check it out or give it a listen...I don't know about anyone else, but I sort of love listening to YouTubers Q+A's more like a podcast because that's easier to multitask while getting ready! #momlife

And I just want to let you know that there were some incredibly loaded questions that are going to be covered in either dedicated videos, or future blog posts here! I've grouped them into these categories/topics:

  • Travel and traveling with small children
  • Motherhood (lots of questions around sleep, baby must-haves, breastfeeding, routines, working vs. staying home, first baby vs. second baby, + more I'm excited to talk about!)
  • Budgeting
  • Homeownership (a lot around buying and what to look for in a home, moving tips, and home decorating, which I cannot wait cover too! We've learned so much from owning two homes now!)
  • Starting a YouTube channel
  • Easy Dinner Ideas + Recipes
  • Organization

So stay tuned- lots to share thanks to all of your amazing questions! And below are the answers to 10 quick ones!



  1. Fashion inspiration? (@Lupitad77)   Sarah Knuth, Hollie Woodward, Cara Loren, Amber FIllerup, Champagne + Chanel, Society of Harlow...so many more, but that's who comes to mind first!
  2. Celebrity dinner guest?  (@Eileenblight)  Oh gosh, this is hard.....Brody Jenner is my celebrity crush... 😉
  3. Move to a city other than Cleveland? (@Jenkford)   Adam and I always said Nashville might be the one city to pull us away from Cleveland (it's where he said I love you for the first time!), but we both were very surprised by Salt Lake City! And I would never complain about moving to Italy...
  4. My wake up and bedtime? (@natianch25)    If I stick to my routine, 6:30 AM alarm and be in bed asleep by 10:30 PM. But it is so hard for me to go to bed early, because I feel the most creative and hit my sweet spot when I'm working around 9:00 PM [I'm seriously typing this blog at 9:25 PM, which is why it is so hard for me to turn off early! But with the kids, it is always a better day to be up before them, so I generally sacrifice my sleep and stay up working, and just wake up early still. Not a good habit, but the truth.] 
  5. Favorite apothic wine? (@Bellabiancaluv)  Going OG, I think Apothic Red...but I do love the Apothic Dark too! 
  6. What is you accent? (@adriana_168)  I was born and raised in Cleveland, and also went to college in Ohio, so I definitely have a Cleveland/Midwest accent. I lived in Baltimore, MD for 2 years, but I don't think I ever picked up any of that accent. 
  7. If you were to name your children after pregnancy cravings what would their names be? (@Jessalifebydesign)  Landon would be Peanutbutter and Presley would be Cosmic Brownie. LOL! 
  8. Type of lash extensions? (@Sarahgodwin)  I used to get the classic extensions, but now I get the volume extensions! 
  9. Landon + Presley age gap? (@Jenmay93)  They are 25 months apart! And I honestly love it! 
  10. Favorite cheat meal? (@Thebusybeezzz) I try to follow the Mediterranean diet but don't restrict myself too much, but if you told me the world was ending in 24 hours I would want chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, and strawberry mimosas for breakfast, a cheese platter, wine and fruit for lunch, and steak fajitas, chips, guacamole, and queso with margaritas for dinner. And vanilla bean cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory for dessert! Now I want a fourth meal [keep in mind it is now 9:33 PM and I already had Taco Bell last night]...


Thank you so much for your questions, and I can't wait to continue sharing more and connecting with you all in this new space! Please leave a comment below if there are any other questions you'd like me to answer next time, or any other topics you'd want to hear me talk about on my YouTube channel or on the blog!  xoxo

4 comments so far.

4 responses to “A BIT ABOUT ME | BITS OF BRI Q +A”

  1. Johanna says:

    I want to hang out one day and just eat all the cosmic brownies and Taco Bell with you LOL I’m so happy you have a blog! I’m excited for the video on Monday! I love Q & A videos as well. It’s funny someone mentioned accents. I live in NJ right outside of Philly and when ever I travel I get comments about my “accent” The biggest one is we don’t say Water we say “wudder “ lol I have tried to say it right but it creeps back in!

  2. Marthe says:

    I’m really happy you made a blog, Bri. Can’t wait to follow you here as well. I have never been a big fan of red wine, but when I was travelling in the US this summer I just had to try Apothic Red, and I LOVED it. I feared it wouldn’t be available here in Norway, but it is and I’m very happy about that haha. Hope you have a great week.

  3. I found you on youtube when I was pregnant with my daughter and have followed you ever since! I love the blog idea and of course will be supporting! I tried making a blog when my daughter was born basically about being a special needs (gtube) mama to help encourage and support other families going through similar situations but it never fully materialized (only did an intro!). You may have given me the itch to revisit this idea… Thanks Bri!

  4. Courtney Curry says:

    I do have two questions, 1 I asked before but I know there are so many comments on youtube but my question is how and when (age) do you teach the kiddos prayers and songs? is it mostly a repetitive thing? I’m a FTM and just want to make sure I’m not missing anything and he grasp everything.
    2. Are there going to be DIYs in your upcoming decorating videos?

Hi, Loves! I'm Brianna!

enjoying bits of life as a mama + homemaker 🏡💕
easy + extra recipes, decor + cleaning motivation! 💁🏼‍♀️✨



Brianna K YouTube Channel
